How PISA created an illusion of education quality and marketed it to the world

Waarom zoveel negatieve berichtgeving over de kwaliteit van het Vlaamse onderwijs naar aanleiding van het recente PISA  2018 rapport? Op dit vlak staat Vlaanderen wel in de top van de ranking … Het gebruiken van dit rapport om onderwijsbeleid te voeren is zeker niet wijs en vooral kortzichtig. Lezenswaard is het artikel in ‘The Washington Post’ (3-12-2019) om een aanzet te geven tot een genuanceerde kijk op PISA.

Kort samengevat:

PISA is a masterful magician. It has successfully created an illusion of education quality and marketed it to the world. In 2018, 79 countries took part in this magic show out of the belief that this triennial test accurately measures the quality of their education systems, the effectiveness of their teachers, the ability of their students, and the future prosperity of their society.

PISA’s magical power in the education universe stems from its bold claims and successful marketing. It starts by tapping into the universal anxiety about the future. Humans are naturally concerned about the future and have a strong desire to know if tomorrow is better than, or at least as good as, today. Parents want to know if their children will have a good life; politicians want to know if their nations have the people to build a more prosperous economy; the public wants to know if the young will become successful and contributing members of the society.

Een uitvoerige samenvatting: How PISA created an illusion of education quality and marketed it to the world

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