Fashion in onderwijsvernieuwing

De blog van Robert Slavin kan iedereen die met onderwijsvernieuwing gedreven bezig is met de voeten op de grond brengen. Hij stelt terecht het volgende: ” New trends in education take the schools by storm, and often a few years later, the opposite policy or practice will become popular. Over long periods, very similar policies and practices keep appearing, disappearing, and reappearing, perhaps under a different name. It’s not that we don’t have evidence. We do, and more keeps coming every year. Yet our profession, by and large, prefers to rush from one enthusiasm to another, without the slightest interest in evidence. “
Maar ook niet alle bevindingen die onderzoeks gebaseerd zijn doorstaan de methodologische toets zoals Slavin kritisch aangeeft in zijn commentaar op het veel geciteerde werk van John Hattie, Visible learning. ” Yet Hattie and others who uncritically accept all studies, good and bad, are undermining the value of evidence. This needs to stop if we are to make solid progress in educational practice and policy.”